Friday, November 18, 2005

The whole breastfeeding thing

I got berated on an internet forum a while back because I opposed a Virginia law which required Starbucks to permit a woman to breastfeed while in their store.

I want to clarify my position.

First: I love boobs. whether it's right or wrong, I love 'em. Those of you who have met my wife know this to be the case.

Second: seeing a woman breastfeeding in public does not disturb me. I have two small children. I've seen my share of pump-and-dumps, and have no problem with seeing someone whip one out to feed a baby.

Here's my concern: Such a mandate is, at core, the government telling a private property owner how it can operate its privacy. Absent some real discrimination (which this is not), I am opposed to this.

It is discrimination (in this context) to say that one group has fewer rights than another group, based solely on their membership in that group. It is not discrimination to say that no one can be shirtles in a place where food is served...and that includes you, breastfeeders.

(picture deleted due to formatting issues and reader complaints)


At 7:45 AM, Blogger The Mean Guy said...

breastfeeding, good for baby, bad for daddy.

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your expansive use of "shirtless" to include breastfeeding women is laughable at best. If God didn't want women to breastfeed in Starbuck's, he wouldn't have made Starbucks or breasts or babies. Dumbass.

At 10:42 AM, Blogger thirdleg said...

I made an account and blog, but the URL I put in ( isn't working, but I see my blog at I think I fudged it up. At any rate, there will soon be a counter-blog to this unGodly nonsense.

At 9:13 AM, Blogger The Mean Guy said...

i find it entertaining that your email address is

At 12:58 PM, Blogger thirdleg said...

You have a immature and diseased mind, mean guy. Put down your Dawkins book and pick up a Bible.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger thirdleg said...

my blog is published now!

At 7:16 AM, Blogger The Mean Guy said...

i don't disagree with you about my diseased mind, but unfortunately, i'm all "bibled" out after 12 years of catholic school. i think i still have bruises on my noggin from bibles being thumped on my head.

in all seriousness, i have been thinking a lot about religion and spirituality the last 5 years or so and i have lots of questions to ask someone who doesn't have a religious agenda to push. if you are such a person, i'd love to have an email discussion with you about the subject.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger thirdleg said...

I'm Pat Robertson. I AM RELIGION AND SPRITUALITY. Just kidding, you can email me. No guarantees on how good any answers will be.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Steve72 said...

I am moved that my blog was able to bring you to together.

I am a uniter, not a divider. Might I recommend you peruse my post on gay marriage?


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